How can I unsubscribe from your emails?

You can always unsubscribe from marketing emails but we do send some emails which are essential to using the app. If you wish to unsubscribe from marketing communications sent to you by Olio, you can do this yourself at the bottom of each email we send. If you cannot see an unsubscribe option this is because the message has been cut short so just follow the steps below.

The following emails cannot be unsubscribed:

  • Magic login links
  • Password reset emails
  • Unread message alerts
  • Content changed/ deleted emails
  • Suspension/ deleted account notice

Please note that there is no subscription to Olio's system emails. These are sent for specific reasons which are essential to your use of the app and therefore they cannot be unsubscribed. Unread message alert settings can be changed in the app notification settings.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find an option to "view entire message"

  • This will open the full email - just scroll to the bottom and click to unsubscribe

  • Please do let us know why you're unsubscribing so that we can make our newsletters as good a read as possible!
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