Magic link login

You may have noticed that we've had to update our signup and login methods as facebook login is no longer allowed for iPhone apps. A number of issues have been reported and if you check below, you can hopefully find a solution...

If you are not receiving any emails from Olio

If your email is provided by hotmail, outlook, yahoo,, btinternet... we've noticed that our emails sometimes do not reach the inbox. We're looking at ways to get our emails through the security checks and we'd advise checking that your security settings allow "". If you have advanced security settings, this might be stopping the emails.

So what can you do?

  • If you have been using Olio for a long time, we can also change your email address if you have another account - so please let us know.
  • If you're a new user, we can delete your account so that you can start again by signing up with a password.

If your magic link is expired

1. Close the Olio app 2. Open the magic link from your email

If your browser opens saying "page not found"

Please reinstall the app to reset the default opening links. Android users, check this out:

If the app says "email already in use"

This means that we have registered your email so please use the login option instead of sign up.

If your email address is "invalid"

Please check to make sure there are no spaces before or after your email

If you want to log in without the magic link

You can set a password (or reset a password if you already have one) by clicking "forgot password"

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